Use Smart Pupils to manage all your Students

The success of every school depends on how they manage their student’s life cycle.

Students' life cycle include but not limited to: their induction into school, their promotions, achievements, failures, distinctions, CCA and their exit. It doesn’t only require a huge amount of time, human resource and smartness but a lot of stress & space too.

It is where Smart Pupils comes in, giving you a Students Management Solution which begins with Students’ Information and registration and has endless possibilities.

Connecting all stake holders of School in one window and allowing users to work when even internet is not available make Smart Pupils different and unique within its competitors. Yes we mean it, your internet is down for any reason; it will still allow you to enroll a student or collect his/her fees.

Here is a big deal: Sign up with smart pupils before January 31st, and get free Smart Pupils android app for one year.